Friday, August 23, 2013


….This was an amazing night at Ladies of Hope…. We wish you could have been there. But my comfort is that the Word of God is ALIVE… read it…READ IT…and saturate yourself in it! My hope is that just as HE prayed for us in John 17 that we be one…we would be one in our understanding of the powerful truths that come from this story in Joshua 3

Read Joshua ch. 3

Notice some key phrases in this passage-

“…for you have not passed this way before..”
 God was commissioning the people to pass through a way they had not approached before (they needed to cross the Jordan river). He knew they would need Him fully to lead them through. He knew His direct presence was their only means of escape… they needed full dependence.

“Consecrate yourselves , for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you”

This is the command the Lord gave Joshua to tell the people in order that they be ready to cross into the Promised Land… He is specific in His instructions… very specific.

CONSECRATE- to induct into office, to make or declare sacred, to devote solemnly to a purpose

The Lord wants us solely devoted to Him… stripped of ourselves… so that He can do a mighty act…

What does it look like to consecrate….what recognition must I have about myself?
--- Who am I? ---- only a conduit of the gospel

CONDUIT-  a channel for conveying fluid. A tube or trough for protecting electric wires or cables. A means of transmitting or distributing

·         I am a soldier in His army
-a soldier does ONLY what his captain commands
·         I have been called On a SACRED mission
-the missionary is set apart for worship and service of the deity
·         My commitment must be solemn
-solemn means highly serious…. There are SOUL at stake! The KINGDOM is our aim

Obedience to the Lord is ultimately a matter of life and death!
Romans 8:6-8

There is no room and no time for anything else to lead the way in our lives other than the presence of God… to see His presence.. we must CONSECRATE.

The people were at the water’s edge… it was all or nothing… they had NEED of solemnly committing to do what He said in order to cross the raging waters.
They NEEDED …surrender to Him and …FAITH…
Read Joshua 3 again…
Now place your feet IN the water
“…and Joshua said…here is how you will know that the living God is among you..” vs10

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