Tuesday, January 8, 2013
The Gospel
Last night, we didn't open our large textbook and study a specific doctrine that was on the schedule. We did, however, watch a beautifully made and powerfully written video on the Gospel. I so encourage you to watch it. I dare you to watch it and not be amazed at the awesome work of the cross!
The Gospel: http://youtu.be/nPIOkdNL-QQ
Wow, right?
How amazing is it that Christ would die for us, wretched rebels who have fought His law our entire lives? FORGIVEN is our new name. No longer do we have to be called rebel and await the death sentence we have rightfully earned! The door is unlocked!! We have already been freed, if we will only accept Christ's payment.
We know Christ died. It's been right there in front of us the whole time. The guard at the cell says, "This Man died, so you wouldn't have to die. You're free to go if you can accept this payment." Do we still sit there in disbelief, or do we accept Christ's payment? How crazy would it be for an inmate to sit there and say, "No. I think I'll just hope I get out on good behavior;" or "I'll find a different way and make my own key to get out;" or "I'm not really in prison. There's no such thing as punishment for crimes committed."
Look, rebel! The door has already been labeled with FORGIVEN! All you need to do is accept Christ's payment! He died so we wouldn't have to die! He was beaten and bruised . . . for US!
Accepting Christ is not the end of the story. He saves us then equips us to go fight for our fellow inmates. Are they not just as worth saving as we were? We all had the label REBEL. But what these prisoners don't know is that each and every cell has been labeled FORGIVEN! But the label is on the outside of the cell door. They will never know that their crimes have been paid for if no one ever tells them their new name!
How can we accept Christ's payment and not tell everyone else that Christ's payment covers their crimes too? God has equipped us as warriors to fight for these souls bound in chains, unaware of the freedom that is waiting for them. Let us fight to beat down every cell door, to rip apart chains, to free the captor simply by letting him know: he's free already! He is in that cell only because he doesn't know Someone else has paid his debt.
Lord, make us bold warriors fighting for you! You paid the ultimate price for our crimes. You became one of us and took all of our sins upon your shoulders. Help us be brave and willing to fight for our fellow inmates! When they don't want to believe, help us never to stop fighting for them! Thank you for stamping FORGIVEN on our hearts, so that we no longer have to be called Rebel.
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